Don't sort it, toss it

I’m not a Marie Kondo follower per se. Yet, years ago, figured that decluttering was my key to a creative blank canvas.

Evidently, Da Vinci said “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” and Thoreau stated, “Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!”

Seems clear. Ideas need room to meander.

Measured according to New York apartment lack-of-size, I eliminated two-thirds of my belongings. This means, everything now fits into, like, half a shoe box.

In curating my material life, yes, I learned that Le Pen is still my go-to writing utensil, but also what it felt like to have far more cognitive and creative energy.

Finally, a total bonus surprise:

Repurposing and up-cycling satisfies the desire to stay simple and be good to Earth. Fixing things in creative ways is a fix in itself, not only leading to new ideas but a way of life.

Christine de Michele